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Grim Reaper

Designed and folded March 2021

Paper: 60cm black single tissue, with white acrylic on one side

This model was created for an origami design contest with other highly talented designers, so I needed this one to be as impressive as possible by flexing the most details, color changes, and shaping that I could.

Using painted single tissue was an actual lifesaver, in fact I had originally folded it from wenzhou before realizing it wouldn't work and starting over completely. Painted single tissue was the only thing that could hold the strong black-white contrast I needed, while still being thin enough to shape tiny skull details and create a thin ragged look on the robe.

This model has a lot of details. Essentially the way it's done is that the body is just a huge center flap, and everything else (skull/hood, bird, arms, knife/belt) are placed around the edge, which also allow them to be easily color changed.